pinBrief History of Phi Iota Alphapin


Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity Inc. is the Oldest Latino Fraternity in Existence. The history of Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity is the history of all Latino college students and professionals who strive to keep their intellectual heritage alive. Since its inception, when the legendary "Union Hispano Americana" (UHA) was first organized in 1898, the fraternity has upheld its inspirational and unique ideological foundation of Pan-Americanism.


The ideology of Pan-Americanism can be summarized as the "unification of all the Latin American nations and all Latin American people." The Fraternity has served as an "Ideological University" through the study and interpretation of Pan-Americanism inspired by the accomplishments of its Five Pillars, Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, Bernardo O’Higgins, Benito Juarez and Jose Marti. Through the years, this prestigious institution has witnessed a number of operational and structural modifications as a form of survival and adaptation to its time. Through it all, Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity continues to fulfill its distinct goals by uniting its members fraternally in a manner in which, individually and collectively, they will contribute towards the fulfillment of the organization's mission and ideology; fomenting "the scientific study of the social, economical, and political problems of Pan-America;" and serving "as a source of personal growth in which in conjunction with academic preparation, each brother will find an appropriate environment to develop." In short, Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity has always been, and will continue to be, a source of empowerment for Latinos everywhere.