My name is Karolina Guillen. I grew up in Tuckahoe, New York. Although small, the town was located in a suburb right outside the city so it was never boring. Although I love to be home, whether it's in Westchester or Cortland, I also love to travel. I try to travel whenever I can and so far, I have visited seven countries. I am lucky to be a first generation student here at SUNY Cortland and I plan on graduating in May, 2017. I am majoring in Communications with a concentration in Public Relations and Advertising and I am also minoring in Management. I chose this path towards a degree because I value the management of communication and relationships between businesses, organizations and their publics. Traveling has opened my eyes to a lot about the world. I consider myself a passionate journalist who enjoys reading, writing and filming stories that center around activism. Some of the topics that I'm passionate about tackling include racial discrimination and the local support of animal care which can be seen in some of my work in my portfolio above.