Classroom Rules

There are only 3 Rules!

Rule#1-RespectRule#2-ResponsibiltyRule#3-Do Your Best!
Always respect yourself and others. Treat others the way you want to be treated. (The Golden Rule)
You can respect others by being nice, raising your hand to ask a question or if you need something, and not talking while other students are talking or the teacher.
It is your responisiblity to hand in your assignments on time and do your homework. Homework is to help you! Show me what you can do. Always come prepared to class,with all of the materials you need ready. You learn by making mistakes! It's okay to have questions and not understand at first. My hope is by the end you understand everything! As long as you are making your best effort we will have a great year!

If these rules are not followed then there will be Consequences!

1. Verbal Warning by the teacher
2. A Phone call home with a write up by the teacher
3. Principal's Office
4. Further Action if needed



Homework must be completed every night. There will be no homework given on Friday. Homework will be graded with a check or a minus. You get a check if it is completed and a minus if it's not. If you are missing homework you will be given till the end of the week (Friday) to complete all homework for the week. It must be turned in.


All quizzes, tests and projects will be graded on a scale of 100. There will be one quiz in the middle of the unit and a unit test at the end of the unit. Projects will be given often and I want you to have fun with them! Be creative! We will discuss each project in depth when it gets close to that unit.

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