Project #10- Reflections on the Learning Journey of Technology

    This class has challenged me in a lot of aspects.  There were a lot of times during the semester where I didn't think I was going to be able to finish all of the assignments listed.  As the semester progressed however, I became more familiar with Nvu and WSFTP which greatly helped.


All of the projects for this class provide future teachers with a lot of background and creative possibilities for our classrooms.  My favorite project was the photostory one because it allowed us to incorporate our own lives into this class.  

I personally think that the hardest projects were the ones that required group effort.  Although it is fun and rewarding to work together as a team, it was extremely difficult to collect everyone's individual information and put it  into everyone's EDU314 folders. One positive thing about the group projects was that everyone in our class was willing to help one another to finish projects efficiently.  Everyone was very helpful and it was a benefit to have my classmates involved in some of my projects.

I enjoyed the class time when we were free to work on our projects on our own time and learn as we go.  I feel it was a waste of time to have our teacher explain every detail because it was a lot easier to navigate through the different programs and find out what worked best for every individual.

I hope to use a lot of the  technology that I was exposed to in my future teacher years.  All of the programs that we used would be very useful to use in a classroom with children.  Technology is very useful for all types of learning styles therefore I think that I will use it quite frequently in the future.