WebQuest Project #5
    The Web quest Project (Project #5) was a group project. I worked with my unit plan group from science to create a web quest about the rainforest and the endangered animals that reside there. First of all, we had to learn how to use tables in order to make a templet for the website. Each on of us in the group made our own unique web page and were assigned a certain task. For exampl, one of us created the webpage on causes and another did the Further reading page. After making our own pages we copy and pasted one anothers information onto the pages we created. I liked this project because each person was able to take the same information but make it their own design. However, our group did run into some difficulty with linking the pictures to the pages. It was imporatant for everyone to remember what website they got their pictures from because others needed to find that website and save the certain pictures to their Udrive so the photos would work. Another helpful tip I learned is that once you make a design for one page, you can simply copy and paste it into a new Nvu document instead of having to make a new table and find the same colors for each page. This helps you make all of the webpages look the same.


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