School Rules

1. The following items are prohibited and are grounds for suspension/expulsion: knives, weapons, dangerous objects, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, gang emblems, drug  paraphernalia and lewd or obscene behavior.
2. Fighting, provoking fights or intimidation may result in suspension or transfer to another school.
3. SHAFTER HIGH SCHOOL IS A CLOSED CAMPUS. Students leaving campus need a parent or guardian to sign them out through the attendance office or get administrative approval in advance.
4. Truancy is subject to disciplinary consequences (Absences must be cleared within 72 hours). Students are expected to be in every class on time each day to maximize learning.
5. Students who are habitually tardy and/or out of class are subject to detention, mandatory parent conferences and suspension.
6. Dress appropriately for school. Clothing which is distractive, disruptive, or interferes with the learning process and/or school climate is inappropriate at Shafter High School.
7. Students who dress inappropriately will be subject to disciplinary action. Parents will be contacted to bring students proper attire.
8. Electronic devices (CD players, MP3's, pagers, radios, laser pens, ect.) are not permitted on campus.
9. Cell Phones are to be turned off during regular school hours.  Students are allowed to use cell phones before and after school only.
10. These items will be confiscated and returned to parents/guardians only.
11. Food and drinks are not allowed in the classrooms, main hall, home economics hall, library or offices.
12. Students are not allowed in the parking lot during school hours.
13. DO NOT use someone else’s book or gym locker, or allow them to use yours. If your locker isn’t working, notify the campus supervisor.
14. P.E. non-suits will result in a referral to the Dean and After School Program (APS).
15. Display of affection is NOT permitted.
16. Hats must be removed when entering classrooms and offices.
17. The following areas are off limits at lunch time: the front of the school, main hall, parking lot, and the area from the Home Ec. hallway to the Crafts building.
18. Internet use is a privilege.  Misuse of the Internet will be subject to disciplinary action.

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