Hello and welcome to my ePortfolio! My name is Christine Latta,
I am currently a junior at SUNY Cortland. I am studying to become an elementary
educator with a concentration in English language arts. Preferably, I would like to teach fifth grade in the Vermont area subsequent to graduation.
Nonetheless, I look forward to working with a diverse group of children in hopes that
I will make a difference in their lives. Additionally, I am part of a wonderful family, who
have been fundamental backbone throughout my endeavors. My family, friends and
boyfriend are my world,
and I love them unconditonally.
I am a big believer
in obtaining dreams and goals for myself in the
It is essential to me because it drives an individual to
work harder, in hopes of accomplishing whatever they set out to do. Thank you for taking the time to view my creation. I hope you enjoy, and always remember to dream big!