(Lesson, page 1)
Activity: You are going to learn about the
grammar and language features of a biography. Before you read the
biography text, warm up with some facts about the person the
biography is about, President Obama.
Below are pictures and facts
about the 44th president of the United States, Barack Hussein
Obama. Study them, watch the video and take the quiz below. These
details will help you as you read the biography on the next page.
to the Chief!

President Obama's father, Barack Obama Sr. and his mother, Stanley Ann

President Obama with First Lady, Michelle, and his two daughters, Malia
and Sasha.

President Obama with his grandfather and grandmother, whom he called
"Gramps" and "Toot".

President Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii.
President Obama's swearing-in ceremony to start his second term in

President Obama attended Columbia University in New York City.
1. President Obama was named
after his father.
2. He was born in New York City.
3. His second term of office began in 2013.
4. He called his grandfather, "Gramps".
5. He once attended the City University of New York.
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