
Los Artistas (The Artists)









El Arte (The Art)


Pablo Picasso (Oct 25, 1881-Apr 8, 1973)

painter, draughtsman and sculptor

Co-founder of Cubist movement and best known for his depiction of the bombings in Guernica and the proto-cubist painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.

<--The Tragedy


Joan Miró (Apr 20, 1893-Dec 25, 1983)

painter, sculptor, ceramist

Known as a Surrealist, painting and sculpting the subconscious mind, a re-creation of childhood and a manifestation of his Catalan pride.



Antoni Gaudí (June 25, 1852-June 10, 1926)


Belonged to the Modernist style (Art Nouveau) movement and was famous for his unique and highly individualistic designs.

<--Estatua al Parc Guell

Parc Ciutadella-->