Date of Lesson __11/12/08__ Time
Length of lesson 35 minutes
Curriculum Area Social
Studies Content Area: Shelter
Title of Lesson: Real
Estate Agent
Age/Grade level 4th
Differentiation of
activity is to be provided throughout the lesson plan to ensure that childrenÕs
individual learning needs are met.
1. Learning
Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of shelter by creating a pamphlet. Students will also be able to recognize the relationship between certain types of housing in different eraÕs in the United States history and what houses look like today.
2. Assessment
(a) Learning outcomes of previous lesson related to this topic:
Students will have previous knowledge of timelines and how things change over time. Students will also have been instructed to look at the structure they live in.
(b) Focus of assessment in this lesson:
Students will be able to see how housing has changed over time and how certain structures that are built today represent aspects of previous eras. Students will be able to create a pamphlet or a flyer based on the information presented in the learning center.
(c) Method of assessment used in this lesson:
Students will have a worksheet to complete about their home they live in. They will have to describe how that home has aspects from different areas, if any aspects are present. Students will also create a pamphlet or a flyer using knowledge they gained from the learning center.
(d) Differentiation:
Tactile learners will be able to excel by using the matching on the felt board. Auditory learners will learn by reading the aspects of each house. Visual learners will excel by looking at the pictures of the different types of houses and drawing their own houses.
3. New York State
Learning Standards
Standard 1 – History of the United States and New York
¤ Distinguish between near and distant past and interpret simple timelines.
á This will be done by looking at the timeline of houses overtime.
¤ Know the roots of American culture, its development from many different traditions, and the ways many people from a variety of groups and backgrounds played a role in creating it.
á This will be done by demonstrating how different eras impacted the makeup of houses.
Standard 3 – Geography
¤ Draw maps and diagrams that serve as representations of places, physical features, and other objects.
á This will be done by drawing pictures of houses from different eras.
¤ Locate places within the local community
á The students will need to recognize that houses around their community have aspects from certain eras.
4. Materials
á Timeline
á Worksheets
á Crayons and Colored Pencils
á Felt Board
5. Lesson Process
(a) Introduction (5 min.)
Students will be instructed that they will be doing this activity in small groups. This learning center will correspond with four other learning centers dealing with the common topic of shelter. The lesson will be described to the students before they are sent to work in the learning centers. They will be told that they are to pick up the worksheet at the beginning of the center and to follow the directions. The directions will be posted on the wall of the center.
(b) Learning procedures relating to objectives (25 min.):
At the center the students will be asked to:
1. Students will look at the different types of houses throughout time, based on a timeline. From that they will need to see if their home they live in now is derived from one of the eras (See attachment for explanation of different eras).
2. Students will need to complete a worksheet where they need to draw where they live, explain the era it is derived from (if any), and the features of the house.
3. Students will then go to a felt board where they will need to match pictures of houses of the surrounding area with the era that houses style came from.
4. Students will then draw, out of a jar, a type of house. They will then have two options:
a. To create a for sale flyer for a house.
b. To create a brochure advertising a house.
5. The directions for the Òfor sale flyerÓ and the brochure will be attached to the wall and are also attached to this lesson plan.
6. Examples of both assessments will be hung on the wall for reference for the students.
(c) Conclusion (5-10 min.)
After each student in the class has gone through the center and has completed their brochure or flyer, the students will have time to share what they have developed. The amount of students that share will be based on time.
6. If Time Allows:
If a student/group finishes the center early there will be a few books that they can go through for further understanding of the concept of shelter.
ÒFrom Mud To HouseÓ
ÒThe House of Four SeasonsÓ
Knight, Bertram.1997. ÒFrom Mud To HouseÓ. Childrens Press.
Wilkinson, Philip. 1995. ÒBuildingÓ. Dorling Kindersley Limited.
Duvoisin, Roger. 1956. ÒThe House of Four SeasonsÓ. Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Company. New York.