Angle Tangle
Math Day Lesson Plan


    For our math day activity we (Amber, Chris, Larry, and I) created a lesson to teach the students about the basics of angles. When we first chose this activity we thought that the students would have some general knowledge of angles; however after looking up standards we realized that the students would not cover this topic till fifth grade. Our group decided to stay with this topic and to not assume that the students know anything about angles. Therefore the lesson focused on more teaching and less time for the game that the students would play.
    Math Day taught me a great deal. The main thing I realized was that planning is the most important thing to success in a lesson. I believe we planned very well. While revising our lesson we realized where the students would need more guidance and were a possible extension could be fit in. We also prepared very well for the ages we are dealing with. We had a feeling that the third graders would be very confused and that more explanation would have to be given to them than the fourth graders. However, I do believe we underestimated them.
    Our group had very low hopes for the students understanding the material. I believe this feeling actually helped us. It made us over prepare which definitely aided in the students learning. This particular lesson taught me that just because students are not supposed to learn a topic till a higher grade it does not mean they are not capable of learning that topic.
    Overall this activity met the criteria for the third objective of this class. It helped me to understand the various ways students think. This particular activity gave me the opportunity to see the differences in the levels of third and fourth graders which taught me to adapt based on individual students needs. As a result I feel fully prepared that I can differentiate to the various ways students think.
