"La Cultura"
"The Costa Rican flag was adopted on November 27, 1906. Costa Rica's First Lady,
Paci'fica Ferna'ndez Oreamuno, designed the flag in 1848. It was designed after
the ideals of the French Revolution - freedom, equality, and brotherhood - and
the colors of the French National Flag". (www.worldflags101.com)
5 Fun Facts I Learned from Costa Rica
- Costa Ricans say "Pura Vida" to greet each other, say good bye to each other, or just in the middle of a conversation.
- Dolars must be exchanged for "colones". Aprox. 500 colones is $1.00.
- Never carry any jewlery or large bills on you! The best place to hide your money is in your undergarments or socks.
- This is the only country in Latin America that does not have a military.
- "Gallo Pinto" is the name of one of the most traditional breakfast meals in Costa Rica.
Below are pictures "Colones" and "Gallo Pinto"