About Me

I am what many call a "non-traditional" student.  I commute from Vestal where I reside with my husband and 5 kids.  I am a Los Angeles native who has been living in Upstate New York for 9 years.  I have advantage over some other Childhood Education majors, as I have 5 laboratory rats (kids) at home that I can observe 24/7.

My family
Outer Banks, NC 2007

Some would say I am completely insane to want to a career where I am surrounded by children, considering I am usually surrounded by them at home most of the time.  But, I have a passion for teaching and a sense of responsibility to somehow to contribute to the knowledge of future generations.  Oh yeah, and the retirement pension for teaching is great too!

I specifically want to focus on Latino education and creating a diverse classroom enviroment.  The hispanic population the United States is growing and their voice needs to be an intregal part of the American education system.

Chile Quilt
Chilean arpillera

One of my passions is quilt art.  I created a quilt based on the children's book Abuela illustrated by Elisa Kleven.  It reminded me of my abuelita and I really loved the artwork


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