About Me


Hi, my name is Elizabeth Rehbein.  I am 26 years old and live in McLean, New York, and have for my entire life.  I am the middle child of three, with an older sister, Sarah, and a younger brother, Kevin.  I am very close to my family and love spending time with them.  I am an animal lover, and have a Toy Fox Terrier, Mini "Shortcake" Midget (isn't she adorable), who is my baby and a little spoiled.

  I love the warm weather; snow is really not my thing.  I love to go kayaking with my mom and sister.  In the summer I love to go boating on Cayuga Lake with my family.  When I am not able to go kayaking and boating I love to read, mostly historical romance but I have recently developed an enjoyment for FBI thrillers.  My favorite authors are Janet Evanovich, J. K. Rowling (yes I love the Harry Potter books), Catherine Anderson, and Judith McNaught to name a few.

I am currently a student at Suny Cortland in the Childhood Education Program.  I plan to graduate in the Spring of 2009.  I decided to go back to college about 3 years after I graduated from TC3.  This was one of the most difficult decisions I have made in my life, but it has been, and will be, by far the most rewarding.  I am so excited about my classes and starting my observations.  I cannot wait until I student teach, but I know that there is still a lot I need to learn first.  

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