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    I really enjoyed this course and learned so many usefully skills that I will be able to use in my future classroom. When I first walked into the class I was so intimidated when i saw all we were suppose to accomplish by the end of the semester. I was very overwhelmed and knew very little about computers beyond basic Microsoft word. Now I feel confident being on a computer and I am much more knowledgeable about different programs that are out there.
    I had never even heard of NVU and when i first heard about it my mind was spinning saying, "New who?" Now I can navigate around NVU in my sleep and make new pages with links in a snap. I think that it is vital for teachers to become more knowledgeable about computers because lets face it technology is not slowing down and we need to be able to relate to students through computer and they are a great resource for things like Web quests. I made my first web quest and I can truly see web quest effectively working in a classroom.
    Making my own web page allowed me to express myself in fun and exciting ways. For example I made a digital photo story with a theme of funny faces. I tried to send the message of the importance of enjoying life and smiling. Especially going into childhood education I strongly believe in positive attitudes. It needs to be exciting who would want to learn from someone who is always frowning and negative. Children will loose interest.
    In this course i have grown in more ways than i could even count. My self confidence with computers has risen dramatically.  I have learned how to use a variety of different programs that will be beneficial in not only my learning but my teaching as well.
    I can not choose just one thing that was important in course because i felt everything was. Learning how to use Publisher was something i would of liked to spend more time on because there were so many things that you can do with it. I think in the future it will be helpful to make brochures for students and parents as well as parent letter. I also thought the web quest was a tremendous project to do because we could really relate to an activity that we would do in the future with students.
    Although i found this course extremely exciting, i have to admit it was not easy. I learned to be more patient and a different way of learning because i have never had class teaching computer programs. What i found to be most frustrating was figuring out what was wrong when things did not work. When this happened i had to remember to remind myself to take a deep breath and back track to see if i link something incorrectly. Overall, I found this course to be a very rewarding experience that i will take with me.  
    Working individually as well as with groups was something we did do in the class. I found it to be helpful to work in groups because it was nice to have someone to help build upon ideas and give feedback. Also, it was helpful to ask a quick question if i was unsure of how to do something. One thing i really enjoyed about this class was the feeling of community. I felt extremely comfortable asking for help without a second thought. I do think it is important to work individually as well as in groups. Groups are powerfully because i think things can be brought further. Two heads are better than one! Group work on the other hand can be stressful, especially if when deadlines are involved. With group work i think it is helpful to meet first and discuss what needs to be done and who is responsible for what. I think it is important for each member to have have a specific role because this helps split up the work evenly.
    Technology is important especially because it opens us up to a whole world of information. I would like there to be technology involved in the classroom in the future and help the students learn certain programs that can be opened to them. Computers in a variety of ways to improve the school environment.  When i am teacher i would like to incorporate technology in the classroom as well as outside of the classroom, through web quest, brochures, parent letters, and much more.
    I am very proud of myself for successfully learning many of these programs and applying them to childhood education. Not only was fun but very helpful. I am so glad that i will be able to apply the skills i learned in the class to my future!