
    During this course, I have gained a alot of new knowledge of computer technology information. Prior to this class, I felt as thought I knew a basic amount of information about computers, but as the semester went on I realized how little I really knew. My prior knowledge consisted of just the computer basics. I have gained a lot of information through using NVU, WS_FTP, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Photo Story, and Web Quest. I have grown a great deal having now taken this class. I now realize how easy and fun implementing technology in the classroom can be. When completing all of the projects I found that the most difficult aspect was linking the pages of the website together correctly and then through trial and error correct the mistakes. The programs are pretty user friendly and serve as a great tool in developing my website.
    Throughout the course, we performed both individual and group work. Working with others always stimulates new experiences and information to learn. I found that asking my group members for help during the semester was the best way to learn new information. Each student has different learning styles that they learn best from and through having the choice to work in groups, partners, or individually it provided us the option to demonstrate our gained knowledge the way we know best.

    I think that the most exciting experience during the semester was just completing our websites. It was alot of work making sure that all the links worked and the pages opened without any problems. I also really enjoyed watching everyones photo stories. It was really neat to see pictures of peoples families and lives outside of school. I think that this course was important in teaching us how to use specific programs on the computer that will help us in our future classrooms. Much of the technology we learned we can use in our classroom to make projects and lesson more creative and fun. Overall, I really enjoyed this class the skills that I learned I will be able to take with me and use in the future.

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