Adjective Agreement

What is an adjective? An adjective is a word that describes another word.
    • blue sock  - blue is describing the sock
    • long hair - long is describing the hair
    • soft pillow - soft is describing the pillow
Are adjectives different in Spanish? In English, most adjectives generally come before the word they are describing. However in Spanish  adjectives generally comes after the word it is describing.
    •  el gato negro - negro is describing el gato
    •  el pelo rubio - rubio is describing el pelo
    •  la nota mala - mala is descrining la nota
So, what does that mean when we are describing people? In English we usually use one word to describe people like carpenter, teacher, student, painter, lawyer . In other words, we generally are not gender specific when we describe  professions. However, many professions in the Spanish language are gender specific. In general, most professions that end with an "o" are changed to an "a" when describing a female. However, professions that end with an "r" generally add an "a" to the end.
a male painter would be el pintor but a female painter would be la pintora
a male lawyer would be el abogado but a female lawyer would be la abogada
What is a masculine word and what is a feminine word? In Spanish, words are characterized if they are masculine or feminine. Masculine words generally, but not always end with an "o" and feminine words generally, but not always end with an "a". The word "el" signals that a word is masculine while the word "la" signals that a word is feminine.

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