Project Eight

Reflection on the Learning Journey of Technology

When I first signed up for EDU314 in the fall of last year I thought I was going to be learning about computers and technology, all of which I thought I was pretty good at already.  Little did I know how much I was really going to learn!  On our first day of class we were told that we were going to be making our own web page, I was beyond excited!!  We were given the opportunity to do a test page and learn the basics of Nvu.  My page actually worked, and I enjoyed designing a web page.  I quickly fell in love with Nvu and creating my web page.  
I found a few things difficult and challenging during the semester, but with the help of my peers I figured it out.  Adding text next to pictures in the 'About Me' section was difficult, my pictures would move to somewhere that I did not want them, or the text would not go where I wanted it.  After a lot of trial and error I finally got everything where I wanted it.  Another frustration that I had is when we did the group project on the web quest.  In my group we decided we would each make our own page and then send them to each other via e-mail.  From there we just copied and pasted into Nvu, but a problem arose- linking!  I had to go back and re-link everything, this was very time consuming and frustrating because at one point they would work and at another point they wouldn't.  I liked this group activity, it helped me because then I didn't have to create an entire web quest on my own, I just had to take time to work on it to get the links working.  A final frustration that I had in this class was time.  I loved working on my projects and I loved learning about how to do different techniques but I felt as though there was not enough time.  When I worked on projects at home and then brought them in to work on in the lab I couldn't find them.  This was really frustrating because I was putting in the extra time and effort at home, just to come into class and do it all over again.  
I learned a lot in this class!  I really enjoyed the digital photo story the most.  I love taking pictures and doing fun things with them.  This is just another technique I can use for family and friends.  
I will most definitely use a information I learned in this course in my future as a teacher.  I believe everything I learned in this class will be used in my classroom at some point in my career.  Each project was so relevant to a classroom.  I am really looking forward to sharing my skills with family, co-workers and peers.  

About Me
