Project Five

Web Quest Project
(Group Project)
For this project
we were to work as a team to create a
web quest based on our science unit plan we are making.  My group consisted of
Traci, Veronica, Lisa, Rachel, and myself.  We each chose a topic to write about and created our own page about it.  My page was the dinosaur page.  I did this page on three types of dinosaurs, the
Tyrannosaurus rex, the Brachiosaurus, and the Struthiomimus.  I chose these three because they all have different diets.  
I found this project helpful and insightful.  I never thought of a web quest as a way for students to learn more about a topic.  I will use this knowledge in the future to engage  my students in a specific topic/material.   You can access our web quest at the link below.

Dinosaur Web Quest

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