About the poem:
Night Before Christmas" first appeared in the United States in 1823.
For people who celebrated Christmas, it made the poem very
popular, and Santa even more popular! It is a story about a
family who wakes up on Christmas eve to find a stranger in their
house... who is leaving presents! As the poem continues, we
discover the stranger is really Santa.
While we read this, here are some things to think about:
- What is your favorite holiday?
- Why is it so special?
- What things do you do to celebrate?
Before we read the poem together, let's talk about rhymes.
Rhymes are words that have the same sound endings, but the beginning to each word is different.
Here are some common examples:
 | Cake | and | Rake |  |
 | Bat | and | Rat |  |
 | Black | and | Snack |  |
Can you think of any more words that rhyme?