DIVERSITY: Discovering our Differences Guided Reading Lesson Note: The books are listed in level of difficulty (most difficult being last). Children will be placed in guided reading groups based on their instructional needs with the book that is closest to their level. Students will be able to: Resources: Process: Script: Today we are going to read a book about
children who are from all over the world. It’s called Cultures Around
the World by Kelly Doudna. This is a non-fiction book. Can anyone tell
me what that means? Non-fiction is a story that explains about real people
and places; things that really have happened or are true. This book is
real or non-fiction because this book talks about real cultures around
the world. When we talk about culture we are talking about a person
or a group of people's way of life; their day-to-day routines and other
traditions they may have. In the past, people that lived near each other
shared the same culture. They did not move far away because there were
no cars or planes to travel long distances. Many people then, moved around
the world. They began families and now we have a whole world of different
looking people with many cultures. As we read, I would like you to think
of the person in this book that shares a similar culture to yours. Students should be encouraged to: Investigate for knowledge of word meaning: In this story, they are
going to ask you what customs you have. (Write the word custom on
a white board). This word is custom. Say custom. Do you know what
this word means? It means what traditions do you follow. For example,
I celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ because that is how I grew
up. 2. Picture Walk Elaborate on the meaning of the text- Let me tell you something else
about culture. Usually cultures are very similar or the same in that neighborhood.
Look at the picture on page 10. This boy lives in France. In his culture,
the children ride their bikes to the neighborhood bakery to get bread
for their families. It may seem different to you, but that is how they
grew up and that is just how it is. It is their culture. 3. Read the Book: Students read the text silently. Confer briefly with
each reader. When you touch a readers hand, that reader begins to read
out loud until you move onto the next student. Guide students as they
read, provide wait time, give prompts or clues as needed by individual
students, such as "Try that again. Does that make sense? Look at
how the word begins." Take notes on how the student is processing
the text and occasionally help a student solve or exchange a quick comment
about the story. 4. Discussing and Revisiting the Text • Ask each student to tell you about one character that shares a similar culture and have them explain why. • Encourage students to think beyond the text: Why do you think the authors wrote this book? Students usually think that the authors wrote this book to show that everyone is different and do things differently and they should accept them regardless.
Copyright @ Shawna
Waterman 2006 |