Welcome To My Professional Portfolio

About Me:

William Montaruli

There are many paths that a person could chose to take in life, and I have choosen to be a Teacher. Currently I am a graduate student at Cortland University. My goals of undertaking the MAT program in English Education are to learn the skills necessary for becoming an effective teacher in the 21st century.


Educational Philisophy:

As I begin to descend on this educational journey, I can't help to form my own ideologies, which I am sure will change throughout the course of my education. As of now, my philosophies revolve around the use of 21st century literacies as a tool to help students actively be involved in their professional delevopment.

21st Century Literacy Defined:

Using visual, audio, and other sensory information to help support and develop the creativity of our students learning. Furthermore, by supporting traditional texts with other methods of learning, I feel retention rates will increase.

New Innovative technologies are important for comprehension of an ever-changing world. Some new 21st Century Literacies include:

  • Video/Image Editing
  • Blogs/Online class sites
  • RSS Feeds
  • Flash/Imovie development

I hope that these new forms of literacy will narrow the gap between the pen and paper skills of the twentieth century, and the technology age of the twenty-first.