Project #5: Web Quest Project (Group Project)

For this project we were asked to create a Webquest, this project also coincides with EDU 374, our science class.There were two parts to this project, the first part was technical.  This is because we had to learn how to do vertical navigation which is basically creating and manipulating tables.  The other part of this project was gathering the content for our Webquest.  To do this part we broke up into our unit plan groups that we have for science.  For our unit plan we are doing Endangered Species in Australia.  To begin, I first created my pages with vertical navigation, and then I linked the pages all together.  These pages included: a homepage, an introduction page, a cause’s page, a solutions page, a further reading page, a games and activities page, and a credits page.  Then, using the outline that our science teacher provided us, we broke up the different pages that we had to do.  I chose to do the games and activities page.  For this page, I created a word search that included relevant words about Australia and Endangered Species.  I used what I learned in project #3 to complete the word search.  In addition, I made it so that the picture of the word search I created served as the link to the word document.  For the other games and activities that I did for my page I went to and searched endangered species games in Australia.  Then after playing around for a while I found some games to link onto the page.  I created link for the online games that I found and wrote a little bit about each game.  Once everyone was done with their pages, they published them, and then I copied their pages and pasted their content into the pages that I initially created.  After this was all done, I published my pages using WS_FTP.  For this project I used many programs.  In addition, to NVU and WS_FTP, I also used the internet to search for games and save images from which I put into my Webquest.  I also used Microsoft Word and Paint when I did my word search.  While doing this project I have learned that more and more teachers are using and creating webquests for their students to use in their classes.  I think that webquests are very good tools for students to learn by themselves.  As a result of the information being available to them on just one website, teachers do not have to worry about their students going to other websites and fooling around.  The information will be right in front of the students and all they have to do is navigate through the webquest.  I think that webquests are a great way to assign work out the classroom; this is because the teacher can direct the students to the website and the students can do the work by themselves.  I think that the students will appreciate that their teachers did the work and gathered the resources together.  Therefore, the students won’t have to spend time actually looking up the information, rather they already have it and can do their assignment.

Click here to see our Webquest

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