Project #8: Reflections on the Learning Journey of Technology

I know that I have definitely grown as both a student as well as a teacher as a result of this course.  Before this course, I would have mostly described myself as very computer illiterate.  However after working and practicing with the different computer programs I think that is safe to say that I know more about computers than I ever have in my life.  I also think that by being a teaching assistant for this class I have grown a great deal because I had to learn the material in order to teach it to help my peers and when I did not know something I was compelled to seek out the answers in order to be a successful and effective teaching assistant.  The technical skills that I have picked up are manipulating through Microsoft office, Publisher and Paint.  I have learned many features of these programs that I think will better enhance the presentation of future projects that I will create.  In addition, I feel that I am now very acquainted with working and using all of the programs that we worked with this semester such as NVU, WSFT_P.  I think the program that I have not mastered yet however is Photostory3, this is because I didn’t really explore what the program had to offer and just did the basic requirements for the project.
            I think the most important thing about this course is that I learned how to use the programs so that I can teach and use these programs in my future classrooms.  I think that I have learned that I should not shy away from something new and difficult especially if everyone else is doing it. Having said this, I think that technology has definitely become part of the classroom and one cannot teach if he/she does not know the fundamentals. Therefore, I think that this course has unquestionably taught me these fundamentals and I will incorporate what I have learned in this class to my future teaching.  For example I will use programs such as Microsoft office and Microsoft publisher with creating various projects.  I also happen to think that web quests are wonderful learning and teaching tools that I will most definitely include in my teaching.  Lastly I feel that students will benefit from the games and word puzzles that I learned how to create in this course, these puzzles will serve as reinforcements of what the students already know.
            I think some of the exciting experiences include when I was able to help my fellow peers with what they were having difficulty.  Nothing gave me more satisfaction than working through a problem and fixing it.  Fixing the problems on my own made me feel very accomplished and excited because I knew that I was learning.  In addition, I think that when I published my web-pages and saw them on Internet explorer for the first time I was extremely happy that I was able to transfer my work from NVU to WS_FTP.  Some frustrations include links that would not work, when I wasn’t able to help out as a teaching assistant, and I had some difficulties working with the tables in NVU.  At times the pictures and words would not center, and when I published the pages they did not look the same on the Internet as they did in NVU.
            One project that I worked on by myself was creating a  word search puzzle.  I liked working by myself I listened to the instructions and followed along with the instructor.  However, I liked working with groups more.  I liked collaborating with each other and helping one another gathering the content for our project.  I worked with groups for several projects, one was when we create our school and the other project was doing a web quest.  It was a little stressful at times however, I think that the final products came out very well and it was a lot easier to do these projects with working with other people. In terms of learning I think it is also easier to work with people because in my groups everyone helped each other out.
            I think that working in small groups is powerful because there are many benefits when there is additional help available.  In addition, the amount of work is also delegated to each of the members in a group so therefore the work load lessens when people work in small groups.  The way I exchanged ideas with others is by talking to them as well as emailing various content to them.  The purpose of communicating and exchanging ideas was to decide which person was going to do what, as well as people communicated in order to help one another out when they were having problems.  I think the best thing that people can do in order to avoid problems or stressful group situations is to communicate with each other.  Furthermore, I think that it is also necessary to delegate different tasks and have the delegated people only be responsible for their part in the project.  This way not only a couple members are doing the whole project.  I know that I will definitely incorporate group work into my classrooms, I believe strongly in collaborating together and helping one another out.  This is because I feel that sometimes students can learn better or easier from other students rather than teachers.  Group work also teaches students social lessons as well as leadership and responsibility.
            I think that it is a little more difficult for students to work on group projects when using technology rather than working in a group analyzing the Declaration of Independence.  However I think that it can be done.  I think that I will have the students just create one technological project rather than individually.  However, the students will be responsible for a distinct part of the project.  I will assign grades based on if and how the student accomplishes his/her specific part of the project.
             I would like to teach my students and have them work with the programs and features of the programs that I have learned in this course, I believe that every project that I have accomplished will enhance students learning.  I feel that students will benefit from
puzzles that both I as the teacher can create as well as the students can create.  I think that web quests are fantastic learning tools, students will really enjoy going on a website created by me and learning from it.  I think that web quests are great because the students will learn the information themselves rather than having me tell them.  I want the students to be able to use Microsoft office and publisher to design their projects.  These programs can make one's work visually appealing I will expect students to use these programs.
            My teaching philosophy includes my belief that
knowledge is always changing, and therefore students must be able to have access to this unchanging and critical knowledge.  This is especially the case with technology therefore it is the teacher’s job to expose these changes to the students and have them practice with the latest technology and programs.  I also think that it is extremely important to foster and encourage young children’s curiosity.  I believe that children are innately curious and want to learn, especially in their younger years.  Therefore I think that the students’ role in education should be being an active learner and not passive.  Students should ask questions, identify problems, and instigate their own learning.  I believe that students should not just “cruise” through their learning instead they should challenge themselves as well as their peers and teachers.  Having said all of this, I believe that the things that I have learned in this course will definitely help me fulfill or incorporate my teaching philosophy in my future classrooms.
            Lastly, I think that it very important for teachers to collaborate and work together to satisfy the needs of the students.  Teachers, especially in the same grade, should share with each other what they are doing in their lessons and what they are expecting from the children.  Therefore, I believe that faculty meetings and/or teacher meetings are a great way to designate time and go over what they need to.  Furthermore, integration of technology and an academic course is a great way to combine technology and subject matter.  For example, in this course, for our web quest, our instructors integrated technology with what we were learning in science.  I think that students will benefit greatly with teachers working together on a team with a common purpose, the purpose being to educate effectively and with success.

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