Classroom Management Techniques

Class Dojo
This is a free website which allows parents to connect with teachers to view their child's progress and obstacles.  You are able to send your teacher's child messages and stay updated with what happens at school instantly throughout the day.
Team Points
Each child is placed on a team within our classroom.  Each team created a name and can earn points by working cooperatively during instruction and collaberative learning time.
Class Points
These are points that we earn as a class when we are helping each other out, receive a compliment about our behavior or hard work from another teacher, and when we are persisting through problems as a whole team. Class Points can also be earned if every student completes their homework and brings in their planner signed.  Please see Homework Policy.

For every 5 positive dojos a child earns per week, they earn 1 ticket.  There are several ways to earn this type of currency. They can purchase things within our classroom shop with these tickets including homework passes, free ice cream slips, a one day desk swap, job swap, to borrow a classroom game for a night, pencils, erasers, etc.

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