TOC Story
Extension Video

Once, there was a tree…

And she loved a little boy.

And every day the boy would come

And he would gather her leaves

What do all of these words have in common?

They are all !

 What tense are all of the verbs in?


He would climb up her trunk

And swing from her branches

And eat apples

If the verbs are suppose to be in the past tense then why are these not in past tense?

What word makes this happen in the past?


If this is all in the past tense because of would, then what form are these words in?


–"Come Boy, come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be happy!”

–"I am too big to climb and play” said the boy. “I want to buy things and have fun. I want some money.

Can you give me some money?”

What tense are these verbs in?

Answer: present

Why did the tense change here?

It changed because it is part of a .

Answer: dialogue

How did you know that it is a dialogue? What symbol shows you that it is people talking to each other?

Answer: quotation marks