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Every tradition starts from somewhere!

In the song "Rude" by MAGIC! The main character is asking his girlfriend's father for permission to marry his daughter. This is a tradtition that we have in the United States which many other cultures share as well.

  • Future husbands would ask the father of their bride for permission to marry their daughter to create alliances between families.
  • Daughters were legal property to the father which would then be passed to the husband after marriage.

Late 1800s           
  • Europeans traveled to the United States bringing this tradition to the New World.
  • Relationships and marriages were based mostly on being in love than on financial stability.
  • Future husbands continue to ask the father of the bride for permission, or a "blessing", as respect to the family.
  • This tradition stills continues today although it is not as formal as it was once seen. 
  • Many will ask the "family" instead of just the father for their blessing.
  • Not every future husband asks for permission, or a blessing, from the bride's family which may be based on their relationship to the family, surprise engagements/weddings, or to elope.

Information from the
Boston Globe