common nouns.
*determine what a common noun is.
initiates lesson:
*A common noun is a noun. Remember, a
noun is a person, place, or thing.
* A common noun is seen in singular form.
*A common noun is not a specific noun like dog, house, picture, or
*A common noun always begins with a lower case letter like street.
Listen to the following story:
(Students will listen to part of the story, A New Coat for
Anna, by Harriet Ziefert and Anita Lobel)
*Follow along as I read the story to you. A New Coat for Anna,
by Harriet Ziefert and Anita Lobel
Anna waited for spring to come.
Almost every Sunday she and her mother visited the sheep.
She would always ask them, "Is your wool growing?"
The sheep would always answer, "Baaa!" Then she
would feed them nice fresh hay and give them hugs.
At Christmas time Anna brought them
paper necklaces and apples and sang carols.
Read the following sentences to yourself and decide what the common
noun is in each sentence. Some sentences have more than one
common noun. Then take your mouse and move it
over the word answer to see if your answer is right.
1. Anna waited for spring to come.
Answer: spring
2. Almost every Sunday Anna's mother visited the sheep.
Answer: mother and sheep
3. "Is your wool growing?"
Answer: wool
4. The sheep would always answer, "Baaa!"
Answer: sheep
5. Anna fed the sheep fresh hay and gave them hugs.
Answer: sheep, hay, and
6. At Christmas time Anna brought them paper necklaces.