Proper Nouns


Objective: SWBAT:
*determine what a proper noun is.
*identify proper nouns in the story A new Coat for Anna, by Harriet Ziefert and Anita Lobel

*We already know what a noun is and we learned what a common noun is.
*Now we will talk about proper nouns.  
*Proper nouns are special.
    1) They name a specific [usually a one-of-a-kind] person, place, or thing.
    2) Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter no matter where you see it in a sentence.
            Examples: ~Elm Street
                            ~ Mrs. Reistrom
                            ~Lyncourt School

~You read the story, A New Coat for Anna, by Harriet Ziefert and Anita Lobel

Listen to the following story:
(Students will listen to part of the story, A New Coat for Ann, by Harriet Ziefert and Anita Lobel)

*Follow along as I read the story to you.
A New Coat for Anna, by Harriet Ziefert and Anita Lobel
    Anna waited for spring to come.  Almost every Sunday she and her mother visited the sheep.  She would always ask them, "Is your wool growing?"  The sheep would always answer, "Baaa!"  Then she would feed them nice fresh hay and give them hugs.
    At Christmas time Anna brought them paper necklaces and apples and sang carols.

Read the following sentences to yourself and decide what the proper noun is in each sentence.  Some sentences have more than one proper noun.  Then take your mouse and move it over the word answer to see if your answer is right.

1. Anna waited for spring to come.

Answer: Anna

2.  Almost every Sunday she and her mother visited the sheep.

Answer: Sunday

3. At Christmas time Anna brought them paper necklaces and apples and sang songs.

Answer: Christmas and Anna

**Now let's see if you can find proper nouns in sentences that are not related to the story.  Read the sentences carefully.  Think about what the proper nouns could be.  Put your mouse over the word answer to see if you are right.

1. Jamie and Kevin are going to visit their grandmother in Syracuse.

Answer: Jamie, Kevin, and Syracuse

2. Every morning I wake up and go to see Mrs. Reistrom at Lyncourt School.

Answer: Mrs. Reistrom and Lyncourt School

3. On Monday morning I take my dog Milo for a walk and then we play together.

Answer: Monday and Milo

4. Have you ever been to Yankee Stadium in New York City?

Answer: Yankee Stadium and New York City

5.  Anna lives in a house in Syracuse, New York.

Answer: Anna and Syracuse, New York

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