Rhyming |
What does rhyming mean? Rhyming is when words sound the same at the end. They may also have the same spelling at the end of the word. Still confused? The groups of words below rhyme because they sound the same at the end. These pairs of words also have the same spelling at the end of the word.
The groups of words below rhyme because they have the same sound at the end of the word. Even though they do not have the same spelling, they are pronounced the same way. Listen to the words below so that you can hear the similarity in the sounds, then repeat these words out loud.
The words below do not rhyme because they do not end with the same spelling nor do they have the same sound at the end of the word.
Time to Practice! 1.) What does rhyming mean?
2.) Write two words that rhyme. 3.) Do cat and rat rhyme?
Job! Click on the extension link below to write your own rhyme or click
on any of the other links to review what you have learned!
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