Los Verbos Reflexivos

A verb is reflexive when the action is being done to the action do-er.  When the subject and the object of the sentence is the same.

Example 1:

I wash myself.

subject: I
verb: wash
object: myself

*Since the subject and object are the same,
the verb is reflexive!

Example 2:

I wash the car.

subject: I
verb: wash
object: the car

*Since the subject and object are not the same,
the verb is not reflexive!

A verb is reflexive when the infinitive ends in "se."
Examples:  despertarse, lavarse, acostarse

To conjugate reflexive verbs, you must learn a new set of pronouns called "reflexive pronouns."

The reflexive pronouns are not subject pronouns; but are object pronouns.  Object pronouns:  to what or whom an action is being performed.

These pronouns are positioned before the verb once conjugated!

Reflexive Pronouns:

Step by Step Process:

1.  Remove "se" from end of infinitive

2.  Place "se" before the verb

3.  Change "se" according to appropriate subject

4.  Conjugate the -ar, -er, or -ir verb using present tense endings 

Example - the yo form of lavarse:

1.  lavar   se

2.  se lavar

3.  me lavar

4.  yo me lavo - I wash myself 

List of Reflexive Verbs
Routine Expressions
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