despertarse - to wake oneself up levantarse - to get oneself up ducharse - to shower oneself bañarse - to bathe oneself lavarse - to wash oneself cepillarse - to brush oneself peinarse - to comb oneself afeitarse - to shave onself secarse - to dry oneself ponerse la ropa - to put on clothing vestirse - to dress oneself maquillarse - to put makeup on pintarse - to put makeup on quitarse la ropa - to take off clothing prepararse - to prepare oneself sentarse - to seat oneself acostarse - to go to bed dormirse - to fall asleep | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
la cama el dormitorio, el cuarto el cuarto de baño el peine el cepillo el pelo el cepillo de dientes los dientes la pasta dentífrica el lavabo la ducha la bañera el champú el acondicionador el jabón la toalla el secador la ropa el maquillaje el metro el desayuno el almuerzo la cena la merienda | - the bed -the bedroom - the bathroom - the comb - the brush - the hair - the tooth brush - the teeth - the tooth paste - the sink - the shower - the bath tub - the shampoo - the conditioner - the soap - the towel - the hair dryer - the clothing - the makeup - the subway - the breakfast - the lunch - the dinner - the snack |
Reflexive Verbs and the Present Tense |
Routine Expressions |
Practice! |