Annotation 3

During this project we had to do a reading reflection on the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS). We had to read a category in the teacher standard, and one from the student standard. After reading these passages, we had to respond to them, in 2-3 paragraphs why they were important why and why the teacher/student should show competency in this area. After we did this, we had to give two specific examples of how competency could be shown. To create this project, we used the Nvu program to create our pages and type our response, we then used the WS_FTP program to publish them online. To get our information we went to the NETS website and read our choosen passages. I believe this would be important and helpful in a classroom setting because it shows the importance of connecting what you are reading to your response. It also allows for your students to be creative in giving examples. It would really show how well the students are connecting the reading and meaning of the text, which is a very important concept.

Reflection Page