Project #2: Design a website for your elementary school (group work)


For project #2, we were told to form groups of two or three.  Renee, Tracy and I were in a group together.  We created a elementary school that was fictional.  We named our school after our flash drive and wanted to be cute about it so we elected the Kittie to be our mascot.  We found a cute picture of a cat watching a mouse run around it in circles on  on  We chose to include a dress code, lunch menu, and  supply list.  We took turns researching the information we wanted to include, and designing the website.  We  were required to use Nvu again to create the website and the links, then uploaded it to the internet using WS_FTP.  When we were done, I had to transfer our elementary school website we created from Renee's flash drive to mine, then save, link, and upload.  Again, this would be a great asset to a classroom, not only for the students and myself, but especially for the parent(s)/guardian(s), because it keeps the lines for communication open.  The students would have so much fun creating their own school or whatever comes to mind, the possibilities are endless.

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