Project #3: WebQuest Project (group work)


For this project the class was broken up into four groups of five.  My group consisted of Lauren, Shannon, Natasha, Liz and I.  Our job was to chose one of the many biomes.  My group chose the Gobi Desert for a biome.  We then broke up the following among us: title page, letter of introduction, family and friends page, our home, our biome, a problem in our biome, what can be done about it (solutions), and a write to us page.  When everyone chose a job , we began to research it on the internet by goggling it.  My job was to find some solutions based on the problem and provide the web addresses along a brief synopsis of the website.  When building our web quest on the computer, the first thing we had to do was create a table using NVU, followed by selecting the colors we want.  What made this page different from all the others was the fact that we had to use a vertical navigation scheme.  We then added the page files from one another's flash drives onto our own flash drive, then published our Web quest by using WS_FTP to upload to the internet.

I feel that a web quest is a very valuable tool to use in an elementary classroom.  It serves as a way to present information that is highly structured because it allows you to break up the information on separate pages but still have them link to the homepage of your project.  Students can also insert images to enhance the learning process.  Also, you can have students separate into groups and do research on a problem and use a Webquest to present their information.  This is very helpful because after students have presented their research, others can go to that groups' webquest and experience it themselves.  This type of tool in technology can be very useful and fun especially when incorporated in the classroom.  It allows presentations to be structured and organized.  It helps then to expand their knowledge on an unfamiliar place in the world while at the same time, familiarizing them with the technology software.

Web Quest to the Gobi Desert

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