Project #9: Reflections on the Technology Course


Before starting Block I, I had heard many stories, some good and some bad so I really didn't know what to make of it.  However, I began the semester with a positive attitude.  It wasn't until after spring break that I noticed the work piling on and felt overwhelmed.  Prior to the start of this course, I thought I knew everything about computers, boy was I wrong.

We began the course by securing a Cortland email account and a web account.  After we had gotten back from our trip to Racquette Lake, we jumped right into things.  We first had to familiarize ourselves with a program called NVU. We had to explore the program on our own , before the next time we met, and be ready to share anything we learned with the class, or ask any questions.  Before making our first publication, we had to create a template for our web page using NVU.  We created the template by first choosing to do a vertical or horizontal navigation; many of us used a horizontal navigation.  Next, we chose the background colors, colors of text,  any quotes we wanted to use, along with any pictures.  I chose to do all my pages with the same colors.  I chose these colors-coral and teal, because they are my favorite colors.  Since I didn't have any pictures available at the time, I chose to use the three monkies (which I collect) which I found on  Once we created a new page, we had to link it to our home page.  The most important thing we learned from the start was that everything had to be saved to the same folder, we practiced creating folders many times.  After creating a folder called 314, we had to upload any work we did using a server called WS_FTP.  WS_FTP.  By uploading your work, it allows others to view your website on the Internet.

For project #2, we had to got to work in groups to create an elementary website.  I worked with Renee and Tracy.  We decided to call our school Kingston Elementary (named after our flash drive).  We also thought it would be cute and nominated a kitten as our mascot.  We found a picture of a kitten watching a mouse run around, on  Our logo was "Where every child is PURRr-fect.  We also had to create other pages and link them to the home page.

For project #3, we had to link and upload pages each of us did for Science.  We created our web quest in science, by being put in groups and choosing a biome.  My group consisted of Lauren, Shannon, Liz, Natasha and I.  We chose the Gobi Desert for our biome.  After choosing the pages we wanted to create and researching it, we had to design the page in technology class.  We did this by using cells, and colors, then finally, had to save each others page on the flash drive and upload everything using WS_FTP.  I found this to be the most difficult, because many of the pictures were not uploading and I had to re-save pictures time and time again.

For project #4, we had to save a Virtual Field Trip, which we created using Microsoft Power point in Social Studies, to our 314 folder, link it to a page we created, and upload it.  This I found to be very easy to do and fun make.

For project #5, we had to create three different projects.  The first project we did was making an acrostic word poem using word art.  I found this extremely easy to use even though I never used it before.  For the second project, we had to create a newsletter using border and shading.  It was here, where I learned about the watermark and the fill effect.  I decided to make a newsletter about going to the apple farm and used a picture of an apple as my watermark.  For the last project, we had to design trading cards.  I decided to design trading cards for Kindergarten/ First grade by using something most children can associate with-occupations.

For project #6, we got to work in groups to design a newsletter and calendar.  My group consisted of Stephanie-who designed the newsletter, and Shannon-who I worked with to create the calendar.  We used Microsoft Publisher to design both the newsletter and calendar.  I had never used this program before, so it took me a little getting use to.

For project #7, we had to create a word search.  Some people worked on this in groups, I worked on it by myself.  I decided to do a word search on weather.  We had to go to and chose a puzzle.  If we chose to do a word search, we had to enter the words we wanted to use.  Next, we had put the picture of our puzzle on the page we created for it.  To do this, we had to first take a picture of it by using the print screen button, then using a program called Paint and formatting the picture to fit, then save it, and link it to the page.

For project #8, we had to create a photo story using a program called Photo Story 3 for windows.  I was able to download this at home and work on it there.  This was my favorite project to do.
e to download this program at home with no problem.  I had decided early on that I wanted to do a photo story about my children, but rather than searching for pictures of all three of my kids, I decided to focus on my oldest.  I had pictures of my daughter and her friend that I was meaning to make into a scrapbook to give to her friend but never got around to it.  This is a very special photo story because it follows the girls through their life of dance-from the time they met (Kendra-2 1/2, and Sarah-3) up to this year.  I also knew early on that I wanted to use the song "Time of Your Life" by  Green Day because I felt that it was appropriate with the pictures I'm using.  Seeing how the song was only 2 minutes and 34 seconds long, and because I had lots of pictures to use, I was limited with the amount of narrative and transition I could use.  This year marks not only the girls 8th. year of dance together, but their friendship too.  Since I only had original pictures, I had to scan and save them to the flash drive before I could use them.  I scanned the majority of my pictures at the school library, and scanned the rest at home.   After I had my pictures in the correct order, I used the customize motion feature and chose the size and duration of the pictures.  When I was done creating my photo story, I saved it, linked it, and used the server at school (WS_FTP) to upload it.

For project #9, we had to reflect about the technology course in general.  I decided to talk about each of the projects, giving anyone who views my website, an overall idea about what each of the projects are about, rather than clicking on each page.  

For project #10, we had to link the page to our homepage, which then gives the viewers access to the entire website.

For all of the projects, we had to write an annotation about what we did, or used, and how we could (would) use it as a teacher.  I have really enjoyed this course.  I enjoyed all of the projects, but especially the Photo Story-it's my new best friend.  I plan on using
it a great deal to make gifts, seeing how I love to take pictures.

The only problem I had in this course, was the fact that I am a commuter.  Therefore, I had to upload all my work in Cortland.  I did try to download the free server early on in the beginning of the course from my computer at home, but had no luck when trying to upload any work I did.  So I ended up saving any work I did at home, and uploaded it at school.  The only problem with that, was the fact that certain projects were due on certain days.  I spent many days skipping lunch, in order to catch up with school work.  Driving 45 minutes one way twice a week, really puts a damper on things.  

I feel that I have learned so much and would not only use many of the programs as a teacher, but also in my life in general.  As a teacher, I would use programs like Microsoft Publisher to create newsletters and calendars to send home with my students to inform the parent(s)/guardian(s) what is happening at school.  I would also use the print screen button feature with the newsletter and/or calendar to include a picture of something.  As for going on field trips, I would absolutely use Power point to create a field trip to take my students on if unable to go in person.  I could let the students make a photo story for someone special.

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