Reading Reflection #2


Article Link: "NETS Standards for Teachers"

In the article "NETS Standards for Teachers," the article list the following six standards:
I.) Technology Operations and Concepts.
II.) Planning and Designing Learning.
III.) Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum.
IV.) Assessment and Evaluation.
V.) Productivity and Professional Practice.
VI.) Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues.

The article then continues by providing a general description of the standard as well as performance indicators for each of the six standards.

It is important as a future educator to demonstrate competency in the Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum  category, therefore, I feel that the third standard is the most important standard.  I feel this way because a teacher's first and foremost job is to teach students.  With this category teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice.  

This allows multiple learning styles to be used, such as: visual-by being able to create power points, charts, graphic organizers, and other visually stimulating aspects of technology.  In addition, teachers could incorporate using headsets for auditory learners and WebQuests or teaching student-use of technology for kinesthetic-learning students.  The use of the Internet, for the teacher use, has an infinite amount of information for his/her curriculum, and teachers could have their students research this way as well.  The use of technology used by teachers speeds up their process and makes it easier to organize data and get work done,therefore, leaving more time and energy to enhance the curriculum further.  

A teacher could use technology in his/her classroom each day.  Power point presentations are an easy, organized and quick way to present material visually.  computer games, educational use of the Internet and Web Quests are a fun and interesting way to involve students in learning; they may not even realize they are learning!  Teachers use of technology in their curriculum prepares students for the way of the future of technology and is sometimes faster, easier and more interesting than other methods of teaching.

More and more, students are becoming competent in using technology.   I found category 3, Technology Productivity Tools to be of great importance, as it can "enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity."  I do not believe that students should only use technology to learn, as reading literature, using hands-on manipulative, and hand writing are certainly important, yet I do think technology can and should be incorporated into the curriculum in multiple ways.

Teachers can teach proper keyboarding, so that while writing on a computer, students, once they master keyboarding, will not waste time trying to find keys, and can therefore focus on their content.  They can learn how to use programs such as Microsoft Power point and Publisher to allow them to portray information creatively; this will probably keep their interest better than writing it on paper.  By making technology a tool that students can use, they will be more productive and creative with their work, especially once they master basic skills.  
By teachers using technology to teach curriculum and students becoming competent enough to use technology, education can become enhanced by these tools, making learning somewhat easier, faster, and more fun.

Article Link: "NETS Standards for Students"

In the article "NETS Standards for Students," the article list the following six standards:
I.) Basic operations and concepts.
II.) Social, ethical, and human issues.
III.)Technology productivity tools.
IV.) Technology communications tools.
V.) Technology research tools.
VI.) Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools.

The article then continues by providing a general description of the standard as well as performance indicators for each of the six standards.

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