Reading Reflection #1

Article Link: "Schools, Teachers Behind in Technology Use"


On one hand I agree with the article "Schools, teachers behind in technology use" in regards to the fact that a good majority of children are familiar with the computer and know their way around compared to some adults.  I was surprised to find out that "the largest group of new users of the Internet from 2000 to 2002 were kids age 2 to 5."  I couldn't believe that a two-year old could even be familiar with the Internet.  I also agree with the article in regards to teachers being required to take a technology course.  With the way technology changes year-by-year, even a teacher that is very comfortable with the computer should be up to date with the latest programs, and even websites that are available.  On the other hand, I don't agree with the article in regards to the push for teachers to use the computers as a tool for homework.  Yes the computer could be helpful to students for reading lessons and/or tutoring, but should not replace the real thing-the teacher.  After all, it's all about meeting the needs of the students, and a computer may not be able to fulfill the auditory, visual, and tactile learner.  Another thing to keep in mind as a teacher is the stability of the families in terms of their financial status.  Some families may have one or two computers in their home, while other families, may not be able to afford one, therefore, it wouldn't be fair to assign homework, project, anything that requires a computer.  Yes it's true, everywhere you look now a days there are computers-in schools, businesses, hotels, even places like coffee houses.  They are becoming more and more important by the minute.  The computer enables a person to do everything from communicate with another person to paying their bills online.  Children should start to become familiar with a computer at an early age; it will definitely help them in the long run.  As a  teacher, I would use the computer in my classroom as a learner center for the students, and I would use it for myself to communicate with parents.  However it's more important to remain non-biased and stick to the old fashion way-pen and paper.

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