Kind words vs. Bully words

What is the difference between saying something nice and saying something mean?

Nice things make people feel good, and mean things make people feel bad.

What is the difference between 'bullying' and 'cyber-bullying'?

Answer: Bullying can happen anywhere, but cyber-bullying only happens when using a computer, cellphone or some other method of electronic communication.

**Remember that cyber-bullying is bullying that happens using some form of technology for communication.
Many of the same things happen in regular bullying, but right now cyber-bullying is very prevalent.**

What are some "kind" words or phrases?  There are many! Please look below at some examples.

 "You are awesome"
 "You are cool"
  "I like you"
"You are pretty/handome"

         **Remember: Kind words make you feel good when you read them or hear them.

What are some "bully" or "mean" words or phrases? There are many! Please look below at some examples!

"You are ugly"
 "You are stupid"
   "You are worthless"
    "You are not cool"
    "You are a loser"

**Remember: "Bully" words make you feel bad or sad when you read them or hear them.

back to index hub"Kind" words/phrases
"Bully" words/phrases
Examples of:
"kind" words/phrases
and "bully" phrases
Practice identifying
"kind" words/phrases
and "bully words/phrases
How to help when
someone is being bullied
back to Cyber-Bullying index