This region is located in the east of France. It borders Germany and Switzerland. Some major cities are Lyon and Grenoble.
Main Tourist Attractions
Mont Blanc
At 15,800  feet, Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in western Europe and one of the most visited sites in France. You can take a 2-day hiking trip to the summit in the summer. Many nearby resorts offer skiing and snowboarding during the winter.
Mont Blanc
Horloge Sonaire
The Horloge Sonaire is a 17th century sundial. It is one of the most visited sites in Grenoble. It accurately displays the solar time and month and the zodiac sign.
horloge sonaire
Fort du Saint Eynard
This fort was built in the 19th century to defend Grenoble. It is located on top of a cliff and can be reached  by a gondola ride over the Isère River. It offers a great view of Grenoble and the surrounding area.
fort du saint eynard
Textile Museum
This is one of the most visited tourist sites in Lyon. It has a collection of over 1,000 textile samples from around the world. Lyon is a center for textile in France.
textile museum

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur