Life Cycle

Insects begin life as tiny, hard-shelled, fertilized eggs. After they hatch, insects begin a process of metamorphosis that eventually produces an adult insect. Each insect species undergoes either complete metamorphosis or gradual metamorphosis.

Complete Metamorphosis has four different stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Eggs hatch into larva. The larvae, such as the caterpillars of butterflies and the grubs of beetles, usually look something like worms. Larvae are specialized for eating and growing. After a time, a larva enters the next stage of the process and becomes a pupa. As a pupa, the insect is enclosed in a protective covering.

Although the pupa does not eat and moves very little, it is not resting. Major changes in body structure are taking place in this stage, as the pupa becomes an adult insect. Beetles, butterflies, and ants all undergo complete metamorphosis.


In contrast, the second type of metamorphosis, called gradual metamorphosis, has no distinct larval stage. An egg hatches into a stage called a nymph, which usually looks like the adult insect without wings. A nymph may molt several times becoming an adult. Grasshoppers, cockroaches, and dragonflies go through gradual metamorphosis.


Sequential Adverbs

We use sequential adverbs when we talk about something that happens in a certain order such as the life cycle of insects. We usually use the words first, second, third, next, after that, then, finally, etc.

For example: If you were going to use sequential adverbs to talk about the life cycle of the plant you would write:

First, a seed is planted into soil.
Second, after the seed gets some water and sunlight, a small root grows fown into the soil.
Next, the stem grows up toward the top of the soil and the stem breaks through the soil.
Then, the seed grows leaves.
the leaves begin to form on the plant stem and a small plant starts to form.

Now It's Your Turn!

Use sequential adverbs and write out the process of  complete metamorphosis. Use the picture to help you.

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