read the following editorial about children under the age of 13 on
Facebook. Notice that this editorial is based on someone's opinion but it
is backed up by a lot of research and evidence to support their
argument. One of the main goals for an editorial writer is to persuade
public opinion. The more research done, the more credible the writer
is. Also notice that the writer does not use the "I" when stating their opinion.
7.5 Million Kids on Facebook Are at Risk
By John Brandon
Published May 10,
As many as 7.5 million kids under the age of 13 are using Facebook, despite the company's official prohibition. 5 million children are under the age of 10. For minors who lack the experience or judgment to use a social network, this raises the scary potential of sexual predators tracking down kids who reveal their age in an online chat, cyberbullying and more, according to a new survey released Tuesday by Consumer Reports. “A million kids were bullied on Facebook in the last year," Jeff Fox, technology editor at Consumer Reports, told "A 10-year-old is not well-equipped to deal with those things.”
Fox said Facebook recognizes that kids should not use the service and prohibits access to those under 13. “But the age verification system is weak,” he said, “It’s too easy to lie about your age.” Facebook could instead use existing age verification services such as Privo or a parent could first prove their age using credit card verification and then vouch for the child’s age, he suggested.
Facebook declined to comment specifically to about the Consumer Reports survey, but did release an official statement about the Consumer Reports survey. "Recent reports have highlighted just how difficult it is to implement age restrictions on the Internet and that there is no single solution to ensuring younger children don’t circumvent a system or lie about their age," the statement reads. "We appreciate the attention that these reports and other experts are giving this matter and believe this will provide an opportunity for parents, teachers, safety advocates and Internet services to focus on this area, with the ultimate goal of keeping young people of all ages safe online.”
Child safety
is but one aspect of a complex
The Consumer Reports survey found that as many as 5 million computers
Cyberbullying is yet another problem: Younger kids aren't as emotionally developed to deal with adults and teens who make hurtful comments. “Everything from hurt feelings to emotional abuse, isolation, depression and humiliation can result from posts on Facebook,” said Tom Jacobs, a retired juvenile judge.
Consultant John Bambenek told that the “nightmare scenario” is not for kids to flirt online or engage in instant message chat with strangers—but simply posting pictures. Predators can download the images and determine the child’s exact location using embedded GPS data.
Of course, these concerns should be taken in context: The survey focused on the 7.5 million kids using Facebook, but that’s a small percentage of the 500 million users worldwide. Social media expert Dr. Marcella Wilson of Wilson Consulting told that parents should better monitor their child’s Internet access overall. She advises creating a contract between parent and child about how the Internet will be used. Bob Gaines, a consultant with security firm, said parents and kids should follow basic Facebook rules. Do not state your location or saying you are home alone; in your profile, do not tell your exact age; and of course, make sure you know your child’s username and password.
But in the end, Facebook needs to address the problem, said Denise Tayloe, the founder of Privo. “Magically, everyone using these services is over 13,” she said—hinting that something is clearly wrong.
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