Project # 4


    This Microsoft Power Point presentation were created for Kim Rombach's, Teaching Elementary Social Studies class.  I was given the opportunity to choose my own topic and grade level.  The assignment was to create a Virtual Field Trip and to have links that are connected to the Internet that will support our Power Point.  I chose to do Antarctica for a 6th grade classroom.  My topic discussed where Antarctica is located, who discovered it, explored it, and when and how they did so.  I focused a few slides on Ernest Shackleton, because his exploration of Antarctica was one to remember.  His ship, the Endurance, traveled to Antarctica, but crashed, leaving him and his crew stranded.  Shackleton was able to rescue his entire crew and bring them all safely back to Europe.  This project allowed me to put my past knowledge of creating a Power Point and having Internet links into action.  On my "questions" page, I utilized buttons to show what the correct answers were and a return button to return to the "questions" page.  
    Overall, this Power Point was a huge success for me.  I was able to show it to the Barry 6th grade classes and they seemed to enjoy my pictures, the NASA photographs, hourly taken pictures of
Antarctica, a video of Shackleton's journey, and my mini-quiz (Questions) at the end.  Although, this project did take up a large amount of time, I would definitely do this again later for my classroom.  Bringing in Power Point for students to access and use is very important because it shows them a different way to present information to a group or for themselves.  This link below is my Power Point Presentation of Antarctica.  Take the amazing and informational journey!

Power Point Presentation

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