About me!
    Hello! I am Adrianne Maria Shultis. I'm 21 and currently a junior at SUNY Cortland, with a major of Early Childhood/Childhood Education and a concentration of English.  I am also Co-President of the Education Club.  We do a lot of activities and festivals with the Cortland community. I live off campus in an apartment on Groton Ave.
    When I'm not taking classes at Cortland, I live in Woodstock, New York with my dad, mom, and my brother, James.  I have a dog named Spirit and a cat named Kitty.  I also work at a restaurant not far from my house.  It's good money!  My favorite things to do at home are, shop with my mom, lay by my pool when it's warm enough, and hang out with my family and friends.  I also enjoy going to Long Island to visit my boyfriend and spend a lot of time at the beach. 
    My favorite place in the world is when I'm on a beach.  To me everything about being near an ocean is soothing.  When I have the sun pouring over me, I feel so happy and energized.  I would not want to be anywhere else!  
    This summer I was accepted into Summer In the City and will be living in Brooklyn Heights, and being a teachers assistant.  I'm very excited about this opportunity!  Another great thing about SITC is that I have a few friends who were accepted too, so we can all hang out and enjoy city life together.

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