Reflection # 2

    In the Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for All Teachers, Standard II, Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences, teachers are supposed to have a handle on various forms of technology, how to evaluate internet resources, and how to encourage students to use technology in the classroom.  This standard is very important because it states how important and useful technology can be in a classroom, when a teacher has the knowledge of how to utilize these resources. 

            I believe that including technology into a classroom, students can benefit greatly.  Power Points, educational websites, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and other computer programs that will better enhance their learning experience, are very beneficial to students in the classroom.  Cross connection between subjects like English, Social Studies, Math, Science, Art, or Music can be combined with technology too.
             Teachers should also be able to find resources on the internet for his/her lesson plans.  Many textbooks are considered secondary resource and the internet is connected to many places, which have suitable and reliable information to increase the amount of multiple perspectives into a classroom. The teacher has to be knowledgeable about various forms of technology, and also how to evaluate which sources are “accurate and suitable.”  Teachers should know how to scan thoroughly through a website to know if it is age appropriate for his/her students. 

            One way in which teachers can apply this standard to their classroom would be to create jackdaws with the reliable information that he/she found on the internet.  The teacher would then be able to have their students make their own assumptions and connections with the new information.  The teacher would have searched through the resources to find information from multiple perspectives and can present this new information for his/her students to evaluate and discuss together.

            Another way that teachers can apply this standard would be to have students in groups to utilize Power Point and create a presentation for class.  This would be incorporating connection between subjects and still using technology in the classroom.


            In the Technology Foundation Standards for All Students, number III, Technology productivity tools, is very important in a classroom and for students.  Technology should enhance students learning experiences and encourage their learning abilities as well as creativity.  Students should have the opportunity to incorporate technology into their learning experiences or their presentation skills. 

One way in which a student could demonstrate competency in this category would be to create his or her own Virtual Field Trip with Microsoft Power Point.  Students would be able to be creative in their attempt to provide an intellectual presentation as well as include their own personal touch and knowledge to their Power Point.

               Another way that students can demonstrate this standard would be to create a pamphlet explaining a field trip the class took to a museum, park, art show, or a play.  Students could work together in groups or individually and use different search engines or clipart to place pictures in their pamphlets.  They would provide informative information about the field trip and send it home to their parents or create a classroom book that represents their different perspectives to the same experience.

              Technology is very important in a classroom because technology is continually advancing and students will be able to follow with the advancements as they come.  Having students aware and knowledgeable of the new technologies will prepare them for the real world.  Some students are not fortunate to have the newer types of technologies at home, so school can be a place where their exposure is still there and current. 

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