Project # 9
    First and for most, I would like to mention that this class should not have been only 2 credits and it should have been made an hour and fifteen minutes like the rest of the Block 1 classes.  I spent just as much time working on these projects and stayed in the classroom for more than fifty minutes every Tuesday and Thursday of class.  
    I feel as if there were many frustrations and exciting experiences for my own personal learning in this technology class.  There were days where I would dread having to come to class, just for the fact that I knew I was going to be frustrated and annoyed with my lack of understanding.  Over the course of the semester, my views changed toward this course. I began to miss it when it was taken over by our many workshops, and mini-field trips to Barry Elementary.  I felt as if I was losing time and it wasn't fair to my work that was being neglected and my extra time spent outside of classroom hours working on projects and reading assignments.  
    One of the most frustrating things that happened to me during this class was, when a picture of mine was not uploading and I have no idea why.  I re saved the picture, re uploaded it hundreds of times and still nothing showed up on my website.  I went through the steps that were explained to me and asked for help from everyone around me, still nothing worked, nothing showed up.  Finally, I asked Shufang, she looked at my files to be uploaded and realized that my photo was not showing up when I needed to upload it.  I had overlooked this important step of uploading.  My flash drive has a bug and would not show me my pictures that needed to be uploaded.  Now, I know this and am very cautious when uploading my files, because I need to make sure they all upload and work properly.
    For our last big project, we were told to create our very own themed Photo story.  I choose to do, me, my house, my family, and my friends.  We were not instructed in this program and were sent off to figure it out on our own.  I was annoyed in the beginning because, I had never used this program before and everything was very new for me.  I tried different things to improve my photo story like, adding text, changing the font size and color, and I also was able to add music.  The music aspect was my most enjoyable moment because, I taught myself how to add two pieces of music to my story and having one begin at one point and the other begin and end with the pictures I wanted.  I am very proud of this project and will show my family when I go home for the summer.  
    Group projects are terrible in my opinion, when everyone receives the same grade.  In any group project, I believe that professors should have a question sheet about who contributed what, what actually did what they were supposed to, and how everyone worked together or did not work together.  Group projects always have at least one person who slacks off and does not do his/her share of the work load.  This person/people then place everything on the shoulders of the rest of the group.  It's not fair and sometimes shows in the end product.  For this technology course, we did not have too many group projects, but when we did I think that a few people worked really hard and other people would slack off and wait until their group members finished the work for everyone else. I personally had a difficult time working in groups. I like to know that things are done and are done well. I feel as if I have a difficult time trusting people to do their share of work and have it done really well. I would rather take on more responsibility so that I know it is complete.  I would rather work on my own and ask for help from my peers when needed.  This would ensure that the work is done, done well, and fully complete.  I do not hand in work that is half finished or something I am not proud of.  
    Overall, I feel as if I learned a lot about technology this semester and it's all stuff that I can integrate into my classroom.  I plan on using power points, the Microsoft Photo story, word documents, the puzzle maker, and other projects that I've completed over the course of this semester.  I feel that my knowing how to create a website can make your classroom experience better and more assessable.  When our class created our own school website, we were able to utilize tables, creativity, and reality into our schools.  This is essential in making a website for a school because it shows range and knowledge.  I'm grateful to have learned as much as I have in this class and I will continue to try and expand my technology knowledge from others and by my own trial and error.

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