Welcome to Spanish 1/7!

learn Spanish
Course information:

Spanish 1 is a course that offers one credit in a foreign language. Having one credit in a foreign language is a New York state graduation requirement. In this course, students will begin learning basic communication skills in Spanish. These skills include reading, writing, speaking, and listening. We will be using the Auténtico series textbook. The book will be used in class and a workbook will be provided to each student. Currently there is an app avaliable for iOS if you would like to have access to the textbook at home. Spanish 7 does not cover as many topics as Spanish 1 and does not offer students high school foreign language credit. Spanish 7 students that are successful will move onto Spanish 8 which does offer high school foreign language credit.


Class expectations


Classwork 25%: There will be class work given on a regular basis. This should be completed and turned in during class.
Homework 10%: You will be expected to prepare and complete exercises and activities at home. These should be done BEFORE class.
Class participation 25%: You will be expected to participate every day in class activities. Learning another language is a social experience that requires active participation. There will be a weekly participation grade. If you are texting or using your phone during class I reserve the right to take participation points away.
Quizzes 15%: The date of quizzes will always be announced in advance. If you are absent you will take the test upon your return to class.
Tests/Projects 25%: Every chapter will have a test or project at the end. You will be responsible for making up a test that you have missed. Tests and project due dates will be announced in advance.


All work submitted must be completed by you alone. You may receive help from others for single words or short phrases. You may not copy text from other sources or use an electronic translator to convert your work into Spanish as this is considered cheating. Anyone engaging in such activities will receive a 0 for the assignment and the parent/guardian will be contacted.

Tips for success

Seek help early if you are struggling. I will be after school every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for additional help or to make up work.
Spanish 7 students: I am avaliable to help you as long as you let me know. I am at Corcoran after 10:00, however I can travel back to Ed Smith after 1:30 if you let me know ahead of time that you need help.

I am on remind and will send out reminders of when homework or projects are due as well as any tests or quizzes that are coming up.
Spanish 1: Text @kdf69h to 81010.
Spanish 7: Text @43deck to 81010.

Welcome to Spanish
Topics and Resources