Project # 2
worked on project # 2 by myself even though we were supposed to
work as a group. I do not have that much experience on computers so
this was a time consuming project for me. The first thing I did was to
make the school home page. I decided to make my website based on my
children's school in Johnson City, New
York. The next thing I did was to make the lunch menu page. I looked at
a few different lunch menu's from some of the Cortland area schools in
order to get an idea how to make this page. I finally decided to use
Microsoft word 2007 to set up the grid for the days of the month. Once
I got that finished I just copied my 5th grade son's actual food menu
list for what was being served everyday. Then I made sure I put all the links
at the bottom of the page and set them up to be used. The
technology used on this project was microsoft word . This could be used
in a classroom to make a school web page with activities and lunch menu
information on it.
My School Homepage
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