Project # 5
                            This project was the first project that required a group effort. I did this webquest project with the same group of people that I am doing my science unit with because this is a joint effort between technology class(EDU 314) and science class (EDU 374). This is also the first time I feel as if I know what I am doing on the computer. Our group has done the research for this webquest as individuals, and as a group, and we have posted it to help guide the user (5th grade is the age level) to the information that would be most helpful to them. Our topic is "Climate Change: Deforestation in the tropics". The problems with this issue are, water levels, animals and their habitats, and plants dying or becoming extinct. We address these issues in our webquest and do our best to give helpful information on each problem. For me, this project was at times frustrating but for the most part it was interesting and informative. The technology I used to make this webquest was the Nuv program and the internet. I used the internet to find the information about deforestation and climate change in order to put the webquest together. I was personally responsible for the "Further Reading" page; however I did have to redo parts of the other pages done by others in my group, and then they just linked their pages to mine. This is a useful tool for the classroom because the students can use the information that is in the webquest to complete an assignment if they need the information that is on this webquest. The teacher would know exactly where to have the students look for this information because we have done all the research for you. If you want to learn more about "Deforsetation and Climate Change" please Click on the frog picture to view my webquest..

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