Project # 6 Comment page
6 was fun to do. We were told to make a brochure using Microsoft
publisher. I have never used Microsoft publisher before so I began by
looking through all the different layouts available and the different
colors. I decided to make a brochure about my oldests son's graduation.
I am so proud of him and his accomplisments I want the whole world to
know about him. I put some pictures on the brochure of him being silly
and serious. Donald is our comedian and he has always been able to make
me laugh, even when I am trying to be parental and serious. I hope you
enjoy this brochure as much as I enjoyed making it for Donald. I also
made a brochure about math day at Parker school in order to fulfill the
requirments of this project please take some time and view it. This
technology could be useful for me when I am a teacher because I will be
able to make brochures to send information to parents about special
events at school. To view one of
my brochures just click on the link and open the attachment.
Donald's Brochure Math Day Brochure
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